I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Esta presentación es ideal para introducir el cautivador tema de la familia. Los estudiantes tendrán la valiosa oportunidad de reflexionar en profundidad y cuestionarse concienzudamente diversos aspectos de sus propios vínculos familiares.
Además, esta exploración les llevará a descubrir dimensiones fascinantes y antes inexploradas de sus familias.
Los niños podrán reconocer, apreciar de verdad y comprender en profundidad lo que hace que sus familias sean únicas y excepcionalmente especiales.
Esta presentación ayuda a los niños a comprender el inmenso valor de la familia y por qué es absolutamente vital nutrirla, cuidarla y respetarla de todo corazón.
Embárcate con tus estudiantes en el encantador viaje de explorar el tema de la familia y descubrid juntos las razones por las que es un tesoro inestimable que merece un cuidado y una devoción inquebrantables.
A medida que se embarquen en esta esclarecedora búsqueda, prepárense para una serie de emociones y sentimientos que pueden salir a la superficie, ¡creando un debate verdaderamente inolvidable!
Este recurso incluye:
Diapositiva 1: ¿Qué Es Una Familia?
Diapositiva 2: Diferentes Tipos de Familias
Diapositiva 3: Hay Más Tipos de Familias
Diapositiva 4: ¿Qué Cualidades Forman a una Familia?
Diapositiva 5: Funciones de una Familia
Diapositiva 6: Hay niños que NO tienen familia
Diapositiva 7: Reglas de la Familia
Diapositiva 8: Todas las Familias Tienen Conflictos
Diapositiva 9: Solución de Conflictos Familiares
Diapositiva 10: Todas las Familias son Especiales
Diapositiva 11: Mi familia es única y especial porque…
Diapositiva 12: Hemos Aprendido Sobre la Familia
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¡Feliz Día de la Familia!
★ You may like these resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
★ You may like these resources:
La Familia - Presentación PowerPoint
Día de la Familia - Mi Familia es Especial (Actividad)
Mi Familia es Especial
The Christmas story captivates children, and they enjoy reenacting its significant moments and portraying its various characters. This resource enables children to read and illustrate the Christmas story in a personalized comic format.
Moreover, this activity encourages children to write a letter addressed to Jesus and his family, expressing what they have learned from the story. They may also request prayers for those who are most in need.
Imagine the joy of seeing children proudly adorned with manger medals or taking their own manger home to decorate. It is an activity that families truly cherish!
This resource includes:
Page 1: Nativity Story (comic format)
Page 2: Nativity Medal
Page 3: Nativity Medal (empty version)
Page 4: Nativity Pennant/Banner
Page 5: Letter to Baby Jesus and Family
Page 6: Manger Craft
Page 7: Manger Craft (frame)
★Related items:
Download the Spanish Version
Happy Christmas!
Este recurso fomenta momentos de reflexión y ayuda a desarrollar la capacidad de juicio de sus hijos. Los niños se cuestionarán diversos casos de intolerancia e identificarán posibles soluciones para prevenirlos. Adquirirán una verdadera comprensión de la definición y el significado de la tolerancia.
Esta actividad fomenta un discurso favorable a la diversidad, especialmente vital para abordar los problemas sociales. Además, enseña a tus niños a respetar a las personas de todos los orígenes.
Este adorable osito sirve de herramienta perfecta para ilustrar la importancia de la tolerancia y cómo practicar esta notable cualidad.
Anima a tus estudiantes a que compartan sus respuestas con sus familias para reforzarlas aún más. También es un excelente tema de conversación para las familias.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Tolerancia
Página 2: Yo respeto a los demás
Página 3: Me pongo en el lugar de la otra persona
Página 4: Yo acepto las diferencias de los demás y desarrollo mi curiosidad
Página 5: Enseña al Oso a ser tolerante
★ Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
★ You may like these resources:
Auto-Respeto - Tema el Zorro
Honestidad - Tema el Panda
Patience - Turtle Craft
Patience - Turtle Theme
Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache
Responsabilidad - Tema el Conejo
Tolerancia - Tema el Oso
Viaje a la Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache
¡Disfruta enseñando el valor de la tolerancia a tus estudiantes!
This presentation aims to raise awareness among our students about the meaning and challenges of being a refugee. Through this presentation, students will gain a deeper understanding of the refugee experience, the underlying reasons for displacement, and, most importantly, develop empathy and compassion.
Each slide presents a reflection and a question that encourages children to comprehend and appreciate the hardships faced by individuals who must leave their countries, families, and homes.
The intention is to make students aware of the harsh conditions many children their age endure as refugees, helping them recognize their own privileges. In one of the slides, titled “If I Were a Refugee…”, children will see how resilience and personal growth can serve as a pathway out of difficult circumstances, mirroring the experiences of refugees in our world.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: What is Refugee Day?
Slide 2: What is a Refugee?
Slide 3: Reasons People Become Refugee
Slide 4: Which Countries Do Most People Flee From?
Slide 5: Where do Refugees Live?
Slide 6: What is it Like to Live in a Refugee Camp?
Slide 7: Children in a Refugee Camp
Slide 8: How can you help refugees?
Slide 9: The Positives of Being a Refugee
Slide 10: If Were a Refugee…
Slide 11: We have learned about… Refugee Day
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★Related resources:
Download the Spanish Version
★ You may like this resource:
Refugees Activity
Refugees Craft
Promote empathy and kindness among your students!
Este recurso pretende ayudar a los niños a identificar sus puntos fuertes y sus capacidades, celebrar sus talentos únicos y reforzar su autoestima.
Esta es una actividad perfecta para cuando los niños reflexionan sobre sus talentos, se convierte en una gran oportunidad para ayudarles a descubrir y mejorar sus capacidades. Ellos empiezan por creer en sí mismos, potenciar sus puntos fuertes y abordar sus puntos débiles.
¡Ayuda a tus estidiantes a descubrir su verdadero potencial!
Los estudiantes dibujan sus caras dentro del casco del jugador de fútbol y recortan la forma del balón.
A continuación, completan el balón añadiendo detalles y pegándolo al cuerpo del jugador.
Por último, decora el aula o el pasillo con los recortables de jugadores de fútbol terminados o envíalos a casa como proyecto divertido.
This resource includes:
Página 1: Jugador de Fútbol Americano
Página 2: Balón
★Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
¡Feliz Domingo del Súper Tazón!
Esta actividad es un complemento ideal de la presentación en PowerPoint sobre el acoso y la lucha contra el acoso.
El mapa mental es una poderosa herramienta que permite a los niños establecer conexiones significativas entre hechos, experiencias personales e ideas relacionadas con la prevención del acoso escolar. Este valioso recurso garantiza que los niños adquieran una comprensión global de la verdadera naturaleza del acoso escolar y les dota de estrategias eficaces para combatirlo.
Este mapa mental sobre el acoso escolar ayuda a los estudiantes a aumentar su concienciación sobre el acoso, a compartir sus conocimientos sobre el tema y a crear, en colaboración, estrategias para responder eficazmente si se encuentran con este tipo de situaciones.
Esta actividad también fomenta un sentimiento de solidaridad entre los estudiantes, ya que se dan cuenta de que no están solos a la hora de enfrentarse y abordar el acoso.
El mapa mental se presenta en una versión vacía, que permite a los estudiantes construir individualmente, en grupos o en clase sus propios mapas mentales personalizados.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Bullying - Mapa Mental
Página 2: Bullying - Mapa Mental (Versión Vacía)
★ Related Resources:
Descarga la versión en Inglés
★ You may like these resources:
Bullying - Mapa Mental
Anti-Bullying - Actividad (Acoso Escolar) Spanish Activity
Bullying y Anti-Bullying (Acoso Escolar) Presentación PowerPoint
¡Feliz día del Anti-Bullying!
This activity is the perfect resource for children to pay tribute to our beautiful planet. This resource aims to promote creativity and imagination in caring for the Earth. Children commit to taking action to keep it saved.
Children think, write, and read about how they can help and support the Earth. Your students will enjoy learning about the importance of Earth Day with the components of this engaging, helpful resource!
This is an excellent activity for celebrating Earth Day with creativity and imagination!
This resource includes:
Page 1: Earth Day Acrostic
Page 2: I Can Help the Earth By…
Page 3: The Three R’s
Page 4: All About The Earth - Comic
Page 5: Superhero of the Earth
Page 6: My Dream Earth Planet
★ Download More Versions:
Download the Spanish Version
★ Related resources:
Earth Day PowerPoint Presentation
Earth Day Task Cards
Earth Day Decor | Bulletin Board and Door Decor
Earth Day Activity
Earth Day Week Challenge Craft
Earth Day Craft
Arbor Day Craft
Autumn - Fall Trees - Facebook Datasheets
Happy Earth Day!
t is time to honor all families and celebrate the values that bind them, their routines, customs, likes, activities, etc. Help your students recognize the importance of their families and enjoy all the characteristics that make them unique and special.
This resource offers families the chance to celebrate the real meaning of being a family. This allows them to reflect on the time they spend together and learn positive messages and the importance of sharing and teamwork within the family.
Parents absolutely love and appreciate this activity, they learn a lot about how important is to give their families experiences more than things.
Work the booklet in class or children can do it at home with their families.
Encourage students to read the booklets/responses to their families.
Great present and conversation starter for families as well!
This resource includes:
A Family Day Booklet: My Family is Special in black and white version (8 half pages)
Happy Family Day!
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
★You may like these resources:
Family - PowerPoint Presentation
My Family is Special
What is a Family? Free Sample!
This resource is an excellent tool to celebrate the lives and achievements of women, whether they have been widely recognized or not, with the entire class or school.
Simply ask your students to name women who have made a significant impact in the world, women they admire or hold dear, or women who have personally influenced their lives. Decorate the school or classroom with butterflies and daisies, as they serve as a perfect tribute to the women who inspire them.
This presents a wonderful opportunity to inspire children about the vital role of women in society and highlight their contributions.
This resource includes:
Page 1: International Women’s Day: All About Her
Page 2: Women are … Acrostic
Page 3: Happy Women’s Day Craft: Butterfly Version
Page 4: Happy Women’s Day Craft: Daisy Version
Page 5: Daisy Leaves
Page 6: Center of the Daisy
P.S. March 2024. Teachers, we are happy to inform you that we have updated the product and added a couple of additional worksheets to make printing easier. Enjoy!!
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
★ You may like these Women’s Day resources:
International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation
International Women’s Day Activity
International Women’s Day Means to Me…
International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research
International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - Google Slides
International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write
International Women’s Day Craft and Card
International Women’s Day - Banner / Pennant FREE SAMPLE!!
Harriet Tubman Activity
Rosa Parks - Activity
Ruby Bridges Activity
Happy Women’s Day!
This presentation is designed to capture students’ interest and impart crucial knowledge about the importance and value of nurses in our schools. It will not only enrich your students’ learning experience but also reinforce key concepts in an easy and engaging way, honoring and understanding the work of our nurses, as well as understanding the important role they play in the school.
In addition, children will be able to ask themselves and discuss questions that will help them understand the importance of taking care of themselves and others, and when they need the help and attention of nurses at school.
This PowerPoint presentation offers interactive slides and age-appropriate content, which will capture your class’s attention and critical thinking.
You will gain confidence to address this celebration with clarity and precision.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: What is National School Nurse Day?
Slide 2: History of National School Nurse Day
Slide 3: Who is a School Nurse?
Slide 4: What do School Nurses do?
Slide 5: Why Are School Nurses Important?
Slide 6: How Can We Help Our School Nurses?
Slide 7: Healthy Habits
Slide 8: When Can Children Seek Assistance from School Nurses?
Slide 9: Thanking Our School Nurses
Slide 10: I Take Action
Slide 11: Interesting Facts about School Nurses
Slide 12: We have learned about: National School Nurse Day
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★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
Happy School Nurse Day!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Mental Health PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classroom. This invaluable resource for teachers aims to foster emotional intelligence and resilience in their students. Each slide introduces fundamental concepts of mental health in a simple, engaging, and age-appropriate manner, making it easy for teachers to integrate these lessons into their existing curriculum.
The inclusion of critical thinking questions on each slide allows teachers to promote interesting discussions and reflection, enhancing students’ understanding and engagement. By using this presentation, teachers can create a supportive classroom environment where discussions about feelings, self-esteem, and relationships are encouraged, ultimately helping students develop a strong foundation for emotional well-being.
The presentation provides students with practical advice and strategies for managing their mental health. It teaches them to recognize and understand their emotions, the importance of positive thinking, and how to build and maintain healthy relationships. By addressing topics such as mental illnesses and essential habits for mental health, students gain awareness and empathy, reducing stigma and promoting a supportive peer environment.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: What is Mental Health?(English and Spanish Version)
Slide 2: Taking Care of Your Mental Health (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 3: Understanding Feelings and Emotions (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 4: Can I Change How I Feel? (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 5: My Thoughts and Beliefs (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 6: Self - Esteem (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 7: Building and Maintaining Relationships (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 8: Mental Conditions (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 9: Understanding Mental Conditions (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 10: Essential Habits for Mental Health (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 11: Asking for Help and Helping Others (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 12: I Take Action (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 13: We Have Learned About Mental Health (English and Spanish Version)
Google Slides
JPG images
Happy Mental Health Week!
Ensure your students cherish their school year memories forever with this resource that fosters reflection and gratitude. The Cootie Catcher game is a fun way for children to express their thoughts and insights about the end of the school year. By writing personalized notes for each of your students, you can create a lasting and meaningful impression on them. The notes will serve as a reminder of their emotions at the end of the year and will include highlights and tips for the upcoming year.
You can attach the notes you wrote to each child’s card using a stapler. Additionally, the pennants can be displayed in the hall to add an extra touch of celebratory flair. Prepare yourself to receive numerous compliments for a job well done!
This resource includes:
Page 1: End of the School Year - Cootie Catcher
Page 2: End of the School Year - Notes for Students (Version 1)
Page 3: End of the School Year - Notes for Students (Version 2)
Page 4: Best Things About This School Year - Pennant
Page 5: End of The School Year - Memories and Reflections Card, Part I
Page 6: End of The School Year - Memories and Reflections Card, Part II
★ Download More Versions:
End of School Year Activities
End of the School Year - Album
End of School Year Activities
Happy End of The School Year!
For many students, maintaining organization is a challenge, and one of the most effective strategies to reduce stress for both parents and children is through organizing and planning. Being organized is a crucial skill not only for academic success but also for navigating life.
This resource assists students in organizing themselves, planning, and establishing clear, achievable, and measurable objectives. Children understand that goals hold weight and achievements are a product of effort.
The wishlist worksheet serves as a potent tool for nurturing imagination. Children grasp that their aspirations can evolve into concrete goals.
Once the line between goals and wishes is drawn, it’s time for action, facilitated by the monthly planner or calendar, aiding kids in scheduling specific dates and times.
But let’s not forget the most joyful touch: self-portraits. These connect delightful moments and experiences with planning, capable of adorning your classroom, home, or becoming part of a memory book. Enjoy them!
This resource includes:
December Self-Portrait Special Event: I Love Winter
December Self-Portrait Special Event: Happy Christmas
December Wishlist
December Goal Setting Checklist
December Calendar/Planner
★Related resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
Happy December!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Welcome December - Monthly Activity. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms!
This resource assists students in organizing themselves, planning, and establishing clear, achievable, and measurable objectives. Children understand that goals hold weight and achievements are a product of effort.
The wishlist worksheet serves as a potent tool for nurturing imagination. Children grasp that their aspirations can evolve into concrete goals.
Once the line between goals and wishes is drawn, it’s time for action, facilitated by the monthly planner or calendar, aiding kids in scheduling specific dates and times.
But let’s not forget the most joyful touch: self-portraits. These connect delightful moments and experiences with planning, capable of adorning your classroom, home, or becoming part of a memory book. Enjoy them!
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
December Special Event Self-Portrait 1: I Love Winter (English and Spanish Version)
December Special Event Self-Portrait 2: Happy Christmas (English and Spanish Version)
December Wishlist (English and Spanish Version)
December Goal Setting Checklist (English and Spanish Version)
December Calendar/Planner (English and Spanish Version)
Happy December!
This activity aims to inspire and motivate children from an early age, encouraging them to dream about their potential and the ways they can contribute to their community in the future. This craft helps children recognize that true heroes are the individuals who carry out their daily jobs, and that the most heroic act is to provide help and service to others.
Children will have to think about the powers, qualities, and goals they will need to build in the future to help their community. You will be impressed by their ideas, dreams, and purposes.
Through listening to and reading the works of their peers, children can develop an understanding of the significance that each community helper holds in one another’s lives.
Let’s encourage our children from a young age to dream about the countless ways they can make a positive impact on others and experience the joy that accompanies such actions.
Decorate your classroom with these wonderful real-life heroes; they will not go unnoticed!
Instructions: Ask your students to draw a picture of themselves as the community helper they want to be when they grow up. They should then complete the back of the cape. When they are finished drawing, coloring, and writing, cut out along the dotted line and glue the cape to the back of the body.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Boy Version
Page 2: Girl Version
Page 3: Back of the cape
★ Related resources:
If I Were…| Community Helpers Pennants / Banners and Card
Community Helpers PowerPoint Presentation
Let’s have fun with the Community Helpers Craft!
This presentation will help you save time and introduce your students to the true importance of our community helpers in society in a thoughtful and conscious way. Through the slides, children will be able to understand the power, qualities, and objectives of these helpers in their daily lives.
The presentation invites your students to reflect on the responsibilities and demands of each community helper’s job. They will come to understand that every job requires effort, commitment, and dedication.
The slides demonstrate to children that heroes are built through their daily work, effort, dedication, and devotion to what they do.
Furthermore, the presentation encourages children to grasp the significance of having goals, learning, and continuously improving in the profession they choose when they grow up.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: Who Are Community Helpers?
Slide 2: Why are Community Helpers Important?
Slide 3: Exploring Community Helpers
Slide 4: Firefighter
Slide 5: Doctor
Slide 6: Chef
Slide 7: Teacher
Slide 8: Police Officer
Slide 9: Farmer
Slide 10: Nurse
Slide 11: If there Weren’t Community Helpers …
Slide 12: If I were a Community Helper, I Would…
Slide 13: We Have Learned About … Community Helpers
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★Related resources:
If I Were | Community Helpers Pennants / Banners and Card
Community Helpers Hero Craft
Enjoy the Community Helpers PPT!
This is the ideal time to teach kids about time management, planning, and organization. You and your families will appreciate this resource every month of the year!
Planning and organization is the key to turning dreams and goals into reality. When your students dedicate a few minutes to working on them, achieving them becomes easier. The Monthly Activities - ENGLISH BUNDLE provides a simple and comprehensive planning and organizing process that children can follow from the beginning through all the months of the year.
Kids receive the information they need to anticipate and prepare for new challenges. They organize their events, schedule their tasks, and set their achievements and goals. This process also helps them become more aware of their strengths and areas for improvement.
The monthly self-portraits are perfect for hallway displays, gifts, or memory books. They are not only adorable but also incredibly easy to create, suitable for any skill level. Through this, children and families can preserve a sweet memory for a lifetime.
This bundle includes all twelve resources, each of which is available for individual purchase. The list above outlines what you will receive. Feel free to click on each link to access a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Welcome January Monthly Activity
Welcome February Monthly Activity
Welcome March Monthly Activity
Welcome April Monthly Activity
Welcome May Monthly Activity
Welcome June Monthly Activity
Welcome July Monthly Activity
Welcome August Monthly Activity
Welcome September Monthly Activity
Welcome October Monthly Activity
Welcome November Monthly Activity
Welcome December Monthly Activity
★ Related resource:
[Download the SPANISH BUNDLE Version](http://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/actividades-mensuales-a-o-completo-spanish-bundle-12347268)
Happy Monthly Activities!
Are you ready to empower your students with valuable life skills for the upcoming school year? With these cards, you’ll guide your kids through practical situations, encouraging them to make ethical choices, develop problem-solving skills, foster empathy, responsibility, and kindness.
These task cards will ignite meaningful discussions, cultivate a respectful classroom environment, and provide opportunities for personal growth from the very first day of school.
Through these task cards, you’ll equip your students with the tools they need to navigate various school situations with integrity and compassion. It is an amazing tool to encourage your students to share their feelings and effectively solve difficulties and challenges they encounter at school.
Both you and your students will greatly enjoy the enriching experience these task cards provide.
In the preview, you can read several cards. You just have to enlarge the size of the page to see them better, you’re going to love them.
This resource includes:
32 Task cards (Color Version)
32 Task cards (Black and White)
Answer Sheet (Black and White)
Answer Sheet (Color Version)
Recording Sheet (Black and White)
Recording Sheet (Google Slides Color Version)
Google Slides
JPG images
★Related resources:
Download the Spanish version
★ You may like these BACK TO SCHOOL resources:
My School - Bucket and Spade List Craft
New School Year Album - Visualizing My Goals
Back to School Activities and Crafts
Back to School - Monsters Album
Back to School - Monsters Love School - Activities
Back to School Monsters Bookmark Craft
Back to School - Activities
Back to School Activities - Google Slides
Back to School Monsters Posters
Back to School Monsters Decor | Bulletin Board and Door
Happy Back to School!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classroom.
Encourage your children to appreciate their mothers by raising awareness of their hard work and sacrifices. Inspire them to talk about the love and care they receive from their mothers every day.
By teaching the true meaning of Mother’s Day, your students can celebrate the occasion with enthusiasm, energy, and motivation. The activities can create lasting memories for the children and their mothers, and many moms may express their gratitude to you.
It is essential to involve children in this presentation so that they can understand and appreciate the immense value their mothers have in their lives. The slides provide an excellent opportunity for children to express their feelings for their special mothers and share their experiences.
The slides can also allow them to reflect on their behavior and attitude towards their mothers, promoting empathy and respect.
The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: What is Mother’s Day? (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 2: History of Mother’s Day - Part I (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 3: History of Mother’s Day - Part II (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 4: Why are Moms So Important? (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 5: My Mom is Unique and Special (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 6: Moms are Superheros (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 7: Types of Moms (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 8: I Love my Mom (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 9: Celebrate Mother’s Day (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 10: Let’s Talk About Our Moms (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 11: Let’s Talk About Our Moms (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 12: We Have Learner About … Mother’s Day (English and Spanish Version)
Google Slides
JPG images
Happy Mother’s Day!
Esta actividad busca inspirar y motivar a los niños desde una edad temprana, animándoles a soñar con su potencial y con las formas en que pueden contribuir a su comunidad en el futuro. Los niños tendrán que pensar en las facultades, cualidades y metas que deberán construir para ayudar a su comunidad en el futuro. Te impresionarán sus ideas, sueños y propósitos.
Escuchando y leyendo las obras de sus compañeros, los niños pueden llegar a comprender la importancia que cada ayudante comunitario tiene en la vida de los demás.
Animemos a nuestros niños desde pequeños a soñar con las innumerables maneras en que pueden influir positivamente en los demás y a experimentar la alegría que acompaña a tales acciones.
Decora tu clase con estos maravillosos héroes de la vida real; ¡no pasarán desapercibidos!
Instrucciones: Pide a tus estudiantes que se dibujen a sí mismos como el o la ayudante de la comunidad que quieren ser cuando grandes. Luego, deberán completar la parte trasera de la capa. Cuando hayan terminado de dibujar, colorear y escribir, recorta por la línea de puntos y pega la capa a la parte posterior del cuerpo.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Versión Niño
Página 2: Versión Niña
Página 3: Capa
★Related resources:
Si Yo Fuera…| Ayudantes de la Comunidad Banderines/Tarjeta
Ayudantes de la Comunidad Presentación PowerPoint
¡Espero te diviertas con la manualidad “Ayudantes de la Comunidad”!